Just a Girl in the Army: U.S. Iraq War Veterans Negotiating Femininity in a Culture of Masculinity

TitleJust a Girl in the Army: U.S. Iraq War Veterans Negotiating Femininity in a Culture of Masculinity
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2017
AuthorsCrowley, Kacy, and Michelle Sandhoff
JournalArmed Forces & Society
Issue2 (Special Issue: Women in the Military)
Pagination221 - 237
Date Published01/2016

This article considers the experiences of 12 U.S. Army women combat veterans. These women served in historically significant roles as some of the first women to officially serve in combat in the U.S. military. This article focuses on the role of gender in these women’s experiences in the context of the masculine culture of the military. We explore how they used performance of masculinity and metaphors of family to fit into their combat units. We also deliberate on how sexual harassment was used against these women in ways that communicated that they were not fully accepted. Finally, we consider the tension between empowerment and disempowerment in these women’s narratives of their military service. [publisher]

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