Voces y Paisajes del Miedo: una Mirada Afectiva a la Guerra de los Mil Días (1899-1902)

TitleVoces y Paisajes del Miedo: una Mirada Afectiva a la Guerra de los Mil Días (1899-1902)
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2018
AuthorsTrujillo, Daniel H.
Pagination83 - 117
Date Published07/2018

Building on an analysis based on the history of emotions, this article addresses and interprets the way in which men and women from the most vulnerable sectors of society experienced fear during the War of the Thousand Days (1899-1902) in Colombia. Soldiers’ diaries, correspondence, poems, and part of the rich material obtained by Carlos Eduardo Jaramillo in his exhaustive research project on liberal guerrillas, Los guerrilleros del novecientos, serve as documentary basis of the historical reconstruction of some war events. Against this backdrop the reconfiguration of the emotional matrix of the population in the midst of armed conflict is examined. [Author]

Translated TitleVoices and Landscapes of Fear: An Affective Look at the War of the Thousand Days (1899-1902)
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