Gender, Sexuality, and Violence in Humanitarian Crises

TitleGender, Sexuality, and Violence in Humanitarian Crises
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2018
AuthorsHilhorst, Dorothea, Holly Porter, and Rachel Gordon
IssueS1 (Special Issue)
Start PageS1-S158
Date Published01/2018

This special issue of the journal Disasters focusses on the theme of "Gender, Sexuality, and Violence in Humanitarian Crises" in contemporary Africa. Gender, sexuality, and violence have attracted significant attention in the sphere of humanitarianism in recent years. While this shift builds on the earlier 'Gender and Development' approach and the 'Women, Peace, and Security Agenda', analytical depth is lacking in practice. Notably, 'gender' often means a singular concern for women, neglecting questions of agency and the dynamic and changing realities of gendered power relations. The papers in this special issue examine with a focus on individual cases why this neglect occurs and proposes a more relational approach to gender. They revisit classic gender issues pertaining to violence, livelihoods, and institutions in different settings of humanitarian emergencies, while expanding one's vision beyond them.

Guest editors are Dorothea Hilhorst, Holly Porter, and Rachel Gordon. The introdcution by the editors and the seven chapters focus on the following themes:

  • Dorothea Hilhorst, Holly Porter, and Rachel Gordon, "Gender, Sexuality, and Violence in Humanitarian Crises," S3-S16
  • Roxanne Krystalli, Allyson Hawkins, and Kim Wilson, " ‘I followed the flood’: A Gender Analysis of the Moral and Financial Economies of Forced Migration," S17-S39
  • Holly A. Ritchie, "Gender and Enterprise in Fragile Refugee Settings: Female Empowerment amidst Male Emasculation—A Challenge to  Local integration?," S40-S60
  • Teddy Atim, Dyan Mazurana, and Anastasia Marshak, "Women Survivors and their Children born of Wartime Sexual Violence in Northern Uganda," S61-S78
  • Dorothea Hilhorst and Nynke Douma, "Beyond the Hype? The Response to Sexual Violence in the  Democratic Republic of the Congo in 2011 and 2014," S79-S98
  • Alicia Elaine Luedke and Hannah Faye Logan, " ‘That Thing of Human Rights’: Discourse, Emergency Assistance, and Sexual Violence in South Sudan’s current Civil War," S99-118
  • Rebecca Tapscott, "Policing Men: Militarised Masculinity, Youth Livelihoods, and Security in Conflict-affected Northern Uganda," S119-139
  • Julian Hopwood, Holly Porter, and Nangiro Saum, "Resilient Patriarchy: Public Authority and Women’s (In)Security in Karamoja, Uganda," S140-S158
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