Experience and Memory: The Second World War in Europe

TitleExperience and Memory: The Second World War in Europe
Publication TypeBook
Year of Publication2010
AuthorsEchternkamp, Jörg, and Stefan Martens
Number of Pages332
PublisherBerghahn Books
CityNew York

Modern military history, inspired by social and cultural historical approaches, increasingly puts the national histories of the Second World War to the test. New questions and methods are focusing on aspects of war and violence that have long been neglected. What shaped people's experiences and memories? What differences and what similarities existed in Eastern and Western Europe? How did the political framework influence the individual and the collective interpretations of the war? Finally, what are the benefits of Europeanizing the history of the Second World War? Experts from Belgium, Germany, France, Great Britain, Italy, Luxembourg, Poland, and Russia discuss these and other questions in this comprehensive volume. [Publisher]

Original PublicationDer Zweite Weltkrieg in Europa: Erfahrung und Erinnerung. Paderborn: Schöningh, 2007.
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