Bodies and Souls: The Rehabilitation of Maimed Soldiers in France and Germany during the First World War

TitleBodies and Souls: The Rehabilitation of Maimed Soldiers in France and Germany during the First World War
Publication TypeThesis
Year of Publication1998
AuthorsPrice, Matthew
Academic DepartmentPhilosophy
Number of Pages300
Date Published1998/06
UniversityStanford University

This dissertation explores the discourse and practice of the science of rehabilitation as it developed in France and Germany during the First World War and its aftermath; it is particularly concerned with the ways that rehabilitation wove together bodies, minds and machines, both conceptually and practically. The authorĀ identifiesĀ and examines at length three characteristics of rehabilitation: its widespread use as a means of technocratic nation-building; its tendency to incorporate human bodies into small and large-scale mechanical systems; and its function as a discipline of both body and soul. As a whole, the dissertation shows how the discourses and practices of rehabilitation helped to create and stabilize a notion of the human subject based on the principle of the machine.

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