Dutch Culture Overseas: Colonial Practice in the Netherlands Indies, 1900-1942

TitleDutch Culture Overseas: Colonial Practice in the Netherlands Indies, 1900-1942
Publication TypeBook
Year of Publication2008
AuthorsGouda, Frances
Number of Pages304
PublisherEquinox Publishing

In this book, Frances Gouda examines the ways in which the Netherlands portrayed its unique colonial style to the outside world. Why were citizens of a small and politically insignificant European nation able to represent as natural and normal their dominance over ancient civilizations on islands such as Java and Bali? How did Dutch colonial residents explain the cultural differences between themselves and the supposedly 'primitive' peoples of the Indonesian archipelago? In trying to understand the 'gendering' practices of colonial governance in the Netherlands East Indies, Gouda also explores the interactions of Dutch and Indonesian women with European men. [Amazon]

Original PublicationDutch culture overseas praktik kolonial di Hindia Belanda, 1900-1942. Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press, 1995
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