Integrating and Editing Entries

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This section describes two separate workflows: one for integrating new entries and another for claiming and editing entries uploaded by the project coordinator(s) but hitherto unclaimed by another assistant. For each case, this section provides only a brief outline of criteria for integrating entries and tagging keywords, places, wars etc. appropriate to each entry. For a more detailed explanation of these procedures, and for information on issues specific to one or more kinds of entries, see section 3 of this guide on tags and section 4 on abstracts.

Integrating New Entries


If you receive a new title to add to the bibliography, such as a list of newly published titles on the subjects covered by the handbook, or if you researched new entries that need to be integrated, you will most likely follow the workflow below

1. Integrating a New Entry

  1. Click on the Full Text Search feature of GWonline and search for the Title or Author of the new entry to verify that the book, article, film etc. is not already present in the bibliography.
  2. Click "Add Content" on top left.
  3. Click "Biblio entry."
  4. Select appropriate "Publication Type" in the drop-down menu (Book, Book Chapter, Film, Journal, Journal Article, Magazine Article, Thesis or Website).
  5. On "Create Bibliography Entries" page, fill in full Title, and name of Author(s), Director(s) or Editor(s) (Last Name, First Name). If possible, provide as much identifying information as possible, including middle initials. If the name appears on the drop-down list when you begin to type, select it.
  6. Claim the entry by selecting your username under "Entry by GWC Assistants."
  7. Click "Abstract" and fill in the abstract [See Guidelines for Abstracts for details].
  8. Click "Publication" and fill in all information you are able to find. At minimum, this should include the year of publication, release etc.
  9. Click "Publisher" and fill in name of Publisher and City of the publication. In the case of most smaller US cities add the abbr. of the state, e.g. Columbia, SC. If there is more than one major city with that name, do the same with the US city: e.g. Cambridge, MA. Select only one city, if there is more than one where the book was published.
  10. Click "Locators" and enter the URL of the publication, if it is available online. For Books, please include the publishers or other website only, if it provides the table of content with a list of chapters. Otherwise, skip this step.
  11. Click "Alternate Titles" and add a translated title (in English), if the original title is not in English.
  12. Now, scroll down to "Type of Literature" and select appropriate category in the drop-down menu: Anthologies (which have editor(s) and different authors for each chapter); Book Chapter; Bibliographies (a published list of books on a particular subject); Journal (for Journal Articles); Monographs (a book published on a specific topic, based on original research, usually but not always one author); or Textbooks/Surveys (covers a topic broadly, intentionally designed to give an introduction). In addition, there are entries for films, websites, and rarely encountered formats. For more on each of these, see section 3 below.

2. Tagging a New Entry

  1. Select the "Time Period" that the source's content covers (select more than one if applicable). Be as specific as possible, e.g. for a book on the French Revolution, select “1770s–1830s", not “1650s–1830s.”
  2. Select the "Major Wars" that the source's content covers (more than one if applicable). (NB: "Cold War" can include smaller conflicts during the period of the Cold War, such as the Lebanese Civil War. "Wars of Globalization" refers to wars that cross national boundaries, such as the Global War on Terrorism or the War on Drugs.)
  3. Now select the "Keywords." This is one of the major ways that users find sources, so it is very important. Select at least 5 keywords for each source if possible. Using the title, abstract, and other information you can find about the source, be as specific as possible without guessing. If you are unable to make a judgment about appropriate Keywords for a particular source, consult with the Coordinator.
  4. Select the relevant "Regions" that the source's content covers. You will often select numerous regions and sub-regions as well as "Transatlantic Connections" or "Global Connections." Only if a source takes a specifically "Transatlantic" or "Global" approach without mentioning specific regions or countries should you select those categories alone. Again, be specific: don't select, Europe and Central Europe with the same entry.
  5. Select the "Countries" discussed in the source. This may be one country, several, or many. Leave blank only if you are certain that no country is examined in particular.
  6. Only if you are inputting an entry from a Chapter Bibliography or Selected Bibliography associated with the Oxford Handbook should you tag it for a "Chapter" or "Selected Chapter." Otherwise, skip this step.

3. Last Steps

  1. Under "Library Location," select "WorldCat" and copy and paste the OCLC number from the WorldCat entry for the source. (This information is not available for journal articles). This is very important because it allows users to check if the item is in their nearest library. If there are multiple entries in WorldCat for the same book, select the OCLC number that points to libraries in the US.
  2. If relevant, copy and paste "Related Websites": the publisher's site for the book, an author's page discussing the work, a Wikipedia page on a person that is covered in the book.
  3. Click "Save."

You will be redirected to the finished entry, which you should proofread before moving on.

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Editing Existing Entries

In some instances, the project coordinator(s) will upload a substantial number of entries at once. These entries will not be automatically assigned to an individual project assistant. Project assistants may claim these entries using the procedure in this section, subsequently verifying the information included, contributing additional basic information and tagging entries with appropriate keywords.

Work by Project Assistants

Claim Entries to Work on:

  1. Log into the website with your assigned username and password;
  2. Locate the “Assistant Menu” on the left side of the screen;
  3. Select the “Unassigned Entries” link;
  4. Claim an entry to work on. To claim entries:
    • Click on the title of an entry you wish to claim;
    • Click on the “Edit” tab that appears directly beneath the title;
    • Scroll down to the “Entry by GWC Assistants / Work by GWC Assistants” section of the form. Choose your initials from the list;
    • Scroll down to the very bottom of the screen, and click the “Save” button.
  5. Repeat steps in d. to claim additional entries.

Note: you may save and re-edit an entry as many times as you like; you do not need to complete all tasks in a single session. If you need to come back and work on an entry later, simply skip Step 2.i. Perform Step 2.i only when you are completely finished with your work on an entry.

Once you have claimed an entry, you need to:

  1. Verify any information already present:
    • Check if the entry of authors / editors is correct (editors will only display correctly if marked as “secondary” and “editor”) and appropriately labeled;
    • Ensure that the title of the entry is correct regarding punctuation (commas and colons) and is in title (not sentence) case;
    • Check if the entry for the place is correct; make sure that the place follows the Oxford/Chicago Style guidelines, i.e. for entries published in cities of the United States which are little-known add the state (e.g. Chapel Hill, N.C.), but only if the state’s name is not part of the publisher’s name (e.g. Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press);
    • Check if the publisher, and year of publication are correct; you can simplify the name of the publisher slightly if no meaning is lost. Thus “& Co.,” “Press,” and the like can be dropped, but not from university presses, where it may be necessary to distinguish “University of California” from “University of California Press”;
    • Check if the pages of the book chapter / journal article is included; the page number field should be populated with the total number of pages, such as listed in Amazon rather than the format with maps, illustrations, etc.;
    • Make sure the edition number is added if the book is a second or higher edition:
    • Delete unnecessary quotation marks of book chapter and journal article titles (the GWC Online Bibliography adds them automatically);
    • Delete any information on a publication series.
  2. Check for abstracts and add them to entries according to the procedure located in section 4 of this guide;
  3. Check if a book / article / etc. is available full text online. If it is, include a link under the “locators” tab on the bibliographic edit screen;
  4. Assign the information on the time period, keywords, regions and countries etc. according to the guidelines in section 3 of this guide;
  5. Add your name under “Entry by GWC Assistant / Work by GWC Assistant.”

Once you have completed all tasks, make sure to click “save” at the bottom.

Additional Work on Claimed Entries

In some cases, entries need additional work. In such cases, the editors can assign entries back to assistants (see REVIEW WORK BY EDITORS below). These tasks can vary depending on the entry and the editor’s needs. If an editor reassigns an entry to an assistant, the assistant needs again to re-check the “What to do” box and/or the “Comment by Editors” box to see the additional instructions.

Work by Project Coordinator

One of the main tasks of the project coordinator is the review of entries by project assistants, which allows to give feedback:

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