L'associazionismo del secondo dopoguerra: il ruolo del Centro Italiano Femminile

TitleL'associazionismo del secondo dopoguerra: il ruolo del Centro Italiano Femminile
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2017
AuthorsMorelli, Maria Teresa Ant
JournalStudium: Rivista Bimestrale di Cultura
Pagination412 - 424
Date Published05/2017

The Centro Italiano Femminile (Italian Women's Center) was one of the most important associations of Italy after World War II. It was established in 1945 and Maria Federici, who was the first president, was also one of the five women invited to join the Committee that drafted the Italian Republican Constitution. The Centro Italiano Femminile was invited to participate in the work of the Second Vatican Council, and played a significant role both in the elections of the first European Parliament in 1979 and also in the 1995 ONU Conference in Beijing. From the beginning it has served as an important link between political institutions and women's activism. Today, its political and social action continues to mirror its original aims, where Christian inspiration marks its commitment and characterizes it in its relationship with political, social and ecclesiastical institutions. [Author]

Translated TitleAssociations after World War II: The Role of the Italian Women's Center
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