Women Soldiers and Citizenship in Israel: Gendered Encounters With the State

TitleWomen Soldiers and Citizenship in Israel: Gendered Encounters With the State
Publication TypeBook
Year of Publication2018
AuthorsFeder, Edna Lomsky, and Orna Sasson-Levy
Number of Pages177

Women’s military service in Israel presents a compelling case study to explore the meaning of gendered citizenship. This monograph argues that women’s mandatory military service during an active ongoing violent conflict, occurring at a formative age, becomes an initiation process into gendered citizenship, where the women learn their marginal place in relation to the state. By analyzing the life stories and testimonies of young women from varied social backgrounds, the authors ask: How do young women soldiers manage their expectations vis-à-vis the hyper-masculine military institution? How do women experience their gendered citizenship as daily embodied and emotional practices in different military roles? How do women soldiers understand and cope with daily sexual harassment? And finally, how do women cope with the gendered silencing mechanisms of the violence of war and occupation, and what can women soldiers know about this violence when they choose to speak out?

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