Las crónicas de guerra y la novela corta en las primeras décadas del siglo XX

TitleLas crónicas de guerra y la novela corta en las primeras décadas del siglo XX
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2014
AuthorsAlcón, Noemí López
JournalTonos digital: Revista de estudios filológicos

The chronicle of war is a genre that in the early twentieth century, ventures with great force in the literary subgenre through the novella, booming genre of thisat this period. Many Spanish authors cultivated literature, and more specifically the war-themed novella, while working as journalists. This article provides an overview of the most representative Spanish war correspondents of each episode of the conflict, entering from a diachronic perspective in the analysis and assessment of the chronic and the genre interrelationships with literature. In addition, it briefly attends to interdiscursive and comparative analysis of the literary-journalistic productions from male and female chroniclers as well as the study of the changes to which the chronicle text is subjected in its journey through the literary field

Translated TitleThe Chronicles of War and the Short Novel in the First Decades of the 20th Century
Entry by GWC Assistants / Work by GWC Assistants : 

Type of Literature:

