República y Guerra Civil: una perspectiva de género

TitleRepública y Guerra Civil: una perspectiva de género
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2007
AuthorsMorant, Guadalupe Gómez- Fer
JournalRepública i republicanisme

This article describes experiences and actions of women during the Second Spanish Republic (1931-39) and the Spanish Civil War, which was fought from 1936 to 1939. Republicans loyal to the left-leaning Popular Front government of the Republic fought against a revolt by the Nationalists, an alliance of Falangists, monarchists and conservatives, led by a military group among whom General Francisco Franco. Women played an important role in the Spanish Civil War. "República y Guerra Civil: una perspectiva de género" (Republic and Civil War: A Gender Perspective) was published in the journal República i republicanisme, which is a collection of historical texts and articles put together as a resource of the Department of Modern and Contemporary History of the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, with the support of the Centre of Contemporary History of Catalonia.

Translated TitleRepublic and Civil War: A Gender Perspective
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