-Holocaust (1941-1945)

Withuis, Jolande. "Die verlorene Unschuld des Gedächtnisses: Soziale Amnesie in Holland und sexuelle Gewalt im Zweiten Weltkrieg." In Gedächtnis und Geschlecht: Deutungsmuster in Darstellungen des nationalsozialistischen Genozids, edited by Insa Eschebach, Sigrid Jacobeit and Silke Wenk, 77-96. Frankfurt am Main: Campus Verlag, 2002.
Mühlhäuser, Regina. "The Historicity of Denial: Sexual Violence against Jewish Women during the War of Annihilation, 1941–1945." In Expanding Perspectives on the Holocaust in a Changing World: Lessons and Legacies, Vol. XI, edited by Hilary Camille Earl and Karl A. Schleunes, 34-46. Evanston, IL: Northwestern University Press, 2014.
Halbmayr, Brigitte. "Sexualized Violence against Women during Nazi 'Racial' Persecution." In Sexual Violence against Jewish Women during the Holocaust, edited by Sonja M. Hedgepeth and Rochelle G. Saidel, 29-44. Waltham, MA: Brandeis University Press, 2010.
Scheper-Hughes, Nancy, and Philippe Bourgois. Violence in War and Peace. Malden, MA: Blackwell Publishing, 2004.
Waxman, Zoe. "Testimony and Silence: Sexual Violence and the Holocaust." In Feminism, Literature and Rape Narratives: Violence and Violation, edited by Sorcha Gunne and Zoe Brigley Thompson, 117-129. London: Routledge, 2010.


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