Frajda et Berthe Globus, Ester Czernilowski : bribes de destins de femmes juives dans l’immédiat après-guerre

TitleFrajda et Berthe Globus, Ester Czernilowski : bribes de destins de femmes juives dans l’immédiat après-guerre
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2011
AuthorsMarc, Sandra

How French Jews did regain their position in society after World War II? What obstacles did they have to overcome? Did they gain any support? It is through the story of three women bereaved by Holocaust and impoverished by Vichy government anti-Semitic measures, that we will try to provide some answers to these questions. Their misery was relieved by a Jewish organization whose work is still too little known: the Jewish Committee of Social Action and Reconstruction (COJASOR). [from author]

Translated TitleFrajda and Bertha Globus, Esther Czernikowski: Fragments of Jewish Women Fates in the Immediate Post-War
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