Schweizer Ärztemissionen im II. Weltkrieg

TitleSchweizer Ärztemissionen im II. Weltkrieg
Publication TypeBook
Year of Publication2002
AuthorsBusch, Reinhold, Ernst Gerber, Elsi Eichenberger, Ernst Baumann, and Hubert de Reynier
Series EditorBusch, Reinhold
Number of Volumes4
Number of Pages316, 262, 314, 375
PublisherFrank Wünsche

From October 1941 to March 1943, Swiss doctors and nurses participated in medical missions to the German-Russian front. These missions, authorized by the Federal Council and under the patronage of the Swiss Red Cross, provoked harsh controversy. This was because they called into question the principle of neutrality and contradicted the most important fundamental values of the Red Cross. The criticism was that humanitarian aid was being instrumentalized. The books presented here attempt to shed light on and reappraise the background and circumstances of this chapter of World War II.

  • Teil 1. Reinhold Busch, Die Schweiz, die Nazis und die erste Ärztemission an die Ostfront: Robert Nicole, Bericht über die Schweizerische Ärztemission nach Finnland (Switzerland, the Nazis and the First Medical Mission to the Eastern Front: Robert Nicole, Report on the Swiss Medical Mission to Finland), 316 p.
  • Teil 2. Ernst Gerber, Im Dienst des Roten Kreuzes: Ein Tagebuch 1941/1942 (In the Service of the Red Cross: A Diary 1941/1942), 262 p.
  • Teil 3. Elsi Eichenberger, Als Rotkreuzschwester in Lazaretten der Ostfront: Smolensk, Kriegswinter 1941/42, ein Erlebnisbericht (As a Red Cross Nurse in Hospitals on the Eastern Front: Smolensk, Winter of the War 1941/42, an Account of Experiences), 314 p.
  • Teil 5. Ernst Baumann, Hubert de Reynier, Leiden und Sterben in Kriegslazaretten: Kriegstagebücher aus den Lazaretten von Smolensk, Winter 1941/42 (Suffering and Dying in War Hospitals: War Diaries from the Smolensk Hospitals, Winter 1941/42), 375 p.
Translated TitleSwiss Medical Missions in World War II
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