Protagonists, Victims, and Heroes: Paraguayan Women during the 'Great War'

TitleProtagonists, Victims, and Heroes: Paraguayan Women during the 'Great War'
Publication TypeBook Chapter
Year of Publication2004
AuthorsPotthast, Barbara
EditorKraay, Hendrik, and Thomas Whigham
Book TitleI Die with My Country: Perspectives on the Paraguayan War, 1864–1870
PublisherUniversity of Nebraska Press
CityLincoln, NE

The official account...stresses not so much the economic contribution of women during the [Paraguayan] war, but rather their activities in the army camps and in their public support for the national cause that implies no change in gender roles. Despite transgression of these roles during the war, women are still described as sacrificing and supportive wives in the standard historiography....In addition to the question of what motivated Paraguayan women to support the army until the bitter end not only at home but also at the front, many others can be asked. How was it possible for women to run the Paraguayan economy when almost all of the men were either dead or in uniform? What did this mean for gender relations and the political status of the country’s women? Did the active role that women assumed during the war lead to their acceptance as citizens with full political rights? [Author]

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