War Crimes

Delgado, Isabel María Lir, and Magdalena M. Martín Martínez. Crímenes Internacionales de Violencia Sexual y Conflictos Armados In (Estudios). Cizur Menor, Navarra: Thomson Reuters Aranzadi, 2017.
Ward, Caterina E. Arrabal. Wartime Sexual Violence at the International Level: A Legal Perspective In International humanitarian law series : IHUL. - Leiden : Nijhoff, 1999-. Leiden, Netherlands: Brill Nijhoff, 2018.
Szmaglewska, Seweryna. Smoke Over Birkenau In (A trayectos ; 83. Supervivencias). New York: Henry Holt and Co., 1947.
Caton-Jones, Michael. Shooting Dogs. Beyond the Gates. United Kingdom; Germany: IFC Films, 2006.


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